1. Legal does not equal ethical. Just because SixApart has a legal right not to support previously compatible plug-ins, for example, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t. 2. Legal does not equal ethical. Just because SixApart can charge out the nose for their product doesn’t mean they should. 3. Ben and Mena (and co.) have just as […]
From Worthwhile. (Hat tip to Richard Chlopan.) Are you a robot? If you expect to work non-stop without time to rest or recharge, you are a robot, or perhaps worse than a robot. Doesn’t a robot get a new battery pack or time to recharge every now and then? I’m being slightly facetious, but I […]
I’ll believe liberals are interested in winning when they learn how to use guns. I’ll believe liberals are interested in more than playing at an imaginary world of alternative identities and ideals when they quit acting shocked that I own a BB gun. Mao said that power comes from the barrel of a gun. It […]
Consider the affluent few who expect their clergy, nonprofit, and education professionals to live in genteel poverty as a sign of their commitment to the cause. They follow Simon of Cyrene along the Via Dolorosa, workshopping his cross carrying technique and advising him of its grant potential. Heaven forbid he should balk at his burden. […]
Swallowing the Nicene Creed means swallowing Greco-Roman metaphysics. Even if I wanted to do that, is it even possible today? Sure, the creed is beautiful and creative when read in its historical context, but lots of things are. Does that mean I should believe them all?
God is silence, and the silence is deafening.