
Coffee Hour: Hitting the jackpot

05.03.04 | 3 Comments

My wife and I play this game all the time: what if we won the lottery? But supposing I gave a chunk or two of change to UUism, what would I give it for?

2 chunks of change: A huge campus ministry fund. 10 campus ministers at elite private universities. 15 at state universities. 20 at community colleges. Schools would need to have a fighting chance of having a viable campus group after, say, three years of work.

1 chunk of change: An RE building for UUCA. As Woodie Guthrie said, “There’s childrens everywhere.”

1 chunk of change: A study of “permanent options in alternative worship.” I’ll just say it: I hate the typical congregational/frontier worship format. It’s all sermon and no community. But alternative worship services can be a bit touchy feely for me. My ideal worship service is one that has enough ritual to it to run itself sans sermon. I don’t want to think about the worship service or feel like it needs my help; I’d rather just experience it and play an (expected) part. Nothing more than a long homily (say, 15 minutes) will be allowed. The rhythms of ritual and liturgy must be central.

3 chunks of change: A fund to teach lay leadership to explain (a) what UUism is and (b) why it’s better than Brand X. Workshops would be intensive and interactive. Laity would be “forced” to ask themselves individually and corporately what UUism stands for and why that matters. They would then be “forced” to envision a plan to put it into practice, again, individually and corporately.

