UU President Bill Sinkford writes to his fellow Unitarian Universalists: We’re no longer way out on the margins, and we no longer need to confine our message to the little side streets in our UU neighborhoods. We can take our Good News to the center of the public square with some expectation that it will […]
| Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | (B) Particular self-formational practices. Classically, this means activities like prayer and fasting, meditation and alms-giving. Different communities teach different methods, with different purposes in mind (say, Sufi dancing, Pietist soup kitchens, or Zen meditation). Other practices are less traditionally religious, if religious […]
From the Happy Tutor over at the Gift Hub: In the 1950’s what chance did a child have in saying he had been abused by a priest? The word “abuse” was not used in those days. Whatever words the kid came up with would have been sinful. To disparage a priest would be sacreligious. Had […]
The wife and I were flipping channels and stopped for a bit to watch a minister in a store front church on the local religious public access station. In front of two carpeted stairways that led up five steps to doorless walls painted to look like a clear summer sky, he led an passionate impromptu […]
In the midst of a Salon.com article on Pentagon misgivings about Bush, Sidney Blumenthal offered this insight into the Commander in Chief: As the iconic image of the “war president” has tattered, another picture has emerged. Bush appears as a passive manager who enjoys sitting atop a hierarchical structure, unwilling and unable to do the […]
| Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | I see a three part process to renewing any “vocabulary of reverence.” Three parts, but not three steps. Any point of the process is a legitimate starting point. Any point of the process is a legitimate ending point (if it’s fair to […]