A scary story in the local alternative weekly focuses on the “Reconstructionist Movement,” a polito-religious group committed to turning the US into a fundamentalist theocracy reminiscent of The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s political wing is the Constitution Party, and its currently trying to run the Constitution Restoration Act through Congress–legislation which would effectively put religious conviction […]
Question: Can bureaucracy do good (at all)? I often wonder. Three principles might guide us: nonmaleficence, beneficence, and subsidiarity. Not of concern is the criteria of compliance/conformity, bureaucracy’s favorite principle. Nonmaleficence: Has any person or group been harmed? Here the question isn’t whether a bureaucracy’s rules were broken: that doesn’t qualify as harm. (Persons who […]
Some news from my neighborhood.
Why I want a big raise, dammit. (No, I said a big raise.) And a little factoid for HR: I don’t pay my bills in percentages. So you can shut the hell up about how big that thing you call a “raise” is. And while I’m thinking about, I’ll take more vacation time too, thanks.
Why I left the United Methodist Church. Well, that and because baby Jeebus wouldn’t put out.
One of the best things a friend ever did for me was convince me to go see Neutral Milk Hotel at TT the Bear’s in Cambridge. I had never heard of them, and their performance floored me. My wife, judging by tonight’s performance, does not appreciate their moody McCartneyesque melodies and, god forbid, trumpet solos. […]