My laptop has died and gone to computer heaven. All emails, calendar items, and address books have been lost. (Fortunately, ‘My Documents’ was backed up. And I can do without the mp3s.) It will be rebuilt from the inside out Monday afternoon: system board, processor, CD-ROM and memory. Yikes. Until then, blogging will be light. […]
For what it’s worth, in response to a (cut-and-pasted) comment to my interest in Howard Dean, here are my Green Party credentials, for what it’s worth. (The occasion was Nader-ween.)
This weekend the wife made Bisquick pancakes, as she’s won to do on weekend afternoons. Upon returning from the kitchen I said, “Everything’s better with Blue Bonnet on it.” Now what — if anything — is ironic in my statement above? Perhaps I’m being sincere, and attempts to assign irony only smack of cynicism. (I […]