1.0 integralism 1.1) Affirmation of panentheism: that god is in all and that all is in god. 1.2) Integral: a) Essential or necessary for completeness; constituent: b) Possessing everything essential; entire. c) A complete unit; a whole. (dictionary.com) 2.0 god-talk 2.1) Denial of god’s omnipotence; affirmation of god’s total grace (that is, universalism). 2.2) Denial […]
“This new worldview is emerging from a number of streams of thought: the new physics; liberation theology; feminist theology; the reflections of psychologist Carl Jung and paleontologist Teilhard de Chardin; process philosophers such as Alfred North Whitehead, Charles Hartshrone, John Cobb, and David Ray Griffin; …the Buddhists Thich Nhat Hanh and Joanna Macy; and many […]
“In reaction to materialism, theologians created or postulated a supernatural realm. Acknowledging that this higher realm could not be known by the senses, they conceded earthly reality to science and preserved a privileged ‘spiritual’ realm immune to confirmation or refutation. The materialists were only too glad to concede to the theologians the ‘heavenly’ realm, since […]
Liberal religious webloggers now have a site of their own: Unitarian Universalists Blogs. If you’re UU and you blog, you should join. And then post something like this handy little graphic on your weblog: While you’re there, be sure to gratuitously thank My Dog Wants to Be on the Radio. His coding ability is responsible, […]
“This view became prominent during the Enlightenment, but is as old as Democritus (who died about 370 BCE). In many ways it is the antithesis of the world-rejection of spiritualism. The materialist view claims that there is no heaven, no spiritual world, no God, no soul; nothing but what can be known though the five […]
“In the second century CE, a new worldview emerged, one that radically challenged the Judeo-Christian notion that creation is basically good. In this worldview, creation was the fall. Spirit is good, matter is evil. The world is a prison into which spirits have fallen from the good heaven. Having become trapped in bodies, these spirits […]