
Early sketch for an ‘integralist’ god-talk

07.21.03 | 6 Comments

1.0 integralism
1.1) Affirmation of panentheism: that god is in all and that all is in god.
1.2) Integral: a) Essential or necessary for completeness; constituent: b) Possessing everything essential; entire. c) A complete unit; a whole. (dictionary.com)

2.0 god-talk
2.1) Denial of god’s omnipotence; affirmation of god’s total grace (that is, universalism).
2.2) Denial of monotheism, of a transcendent “the-one-god.”
2.3) Affirmation of Taoist teachings of the inherent co-incidence of “yin” and “yang.”
2.4) Affirmation of Buddhist teachings of the “interdependent co-arising” of all.
2.5) Denial of atheism as a violation of panentheism.
2.6) Affirmation (in principle) of the third person of the Christian trinity: the holy spirit.
2.7) Affinity with nontheism.

3.0 universe-talk
3.1) Denial of the following bifurcations: matter/mind, flesh/spirit, saved/lost.
3.2) Suspicion of the following bifurcations: Creator/creation, human/divine.
3.3) Suspicion of pantheism, monism, animism.

4.0 humanity-talk
4.1) Denial of Christian teachings of “original sin.”
4.2) Affirmation of Christian teaching of “incarnation” as model for cooperation with god; denial of Christian teaching of “incarnation” insofar as a “scandal of particularity.”
4.3) Affirmation of the following as first order priorities in human relations: shalom, hesed, Jubilee, blessing.
4.4) Affirmation of the following as second order priorities in human relations: eudaimonia, justice, ekklesia, oikonomia, koinania.
4.5) Recognition of crises as moments of primary moral import
4.6) Affirmation of habitus as primary vehicle for moral action

5.0 cultus-talk
5.1) Denial of clergy as mediators between god and humanity.
5.2) Affirmation of community as a primary site of human cooperation with god

6.0 eschaton-talk
6.1) Affirmation of the intrusion of kairoi into the present moment.
6.1) Affirmation of final justice and the redemption of the past.

