While I’m working up some more god stuff, here are some of the changes I’ve recently made to MyIrony. On the left sidebar you’ll notice a new section schilling whatever I’m reading at the moment via Amazon. Tsk, tsk–yes, I know. The deal is, if you’ll all buy every one of the books I post […]
Another reason not to use “God:” It isn’t a name. Unlike “Shiva,” “Yhwh,” “Aphrodite” or “Inktomi,” “God” is just a general class capitalized for the sake of convenience or propriety. Its use as a proper noun should be seen to be as awkward as saying “my friend, whose name is Friend Smith” or “her husband, […]
Some questions for Niall Ferguson, following his article in the NYT. When did correlation start implying cause? You admit that Europe has been catching up with US productivity for fifty years, yet discount this fact because Europeans are working less? How does that work? What if your average overworked American is worse off for it […]
Those of us living now in post-Christendom have something of a collective memory of the once violent conflict between Christians who placed priority on their sacred texts and those who placed priority on their sacred traditions. You know, the Protestant and Catholic Reformations. I tend to be a bit Catholic on this one myself because […]
(Adapted–as encouraged–from the pamphlet “60 Ways to Share Christ’s Love,” published by the Evangelism Division of the Baptist State Convention of South Carolina.) Sixty Ways for Sixty Days One of the greatest joys a No Doubt fan club member can experience is that of having a part in leading another person to saving faith in […]