In the latest installment of the Matrix trilogy we learn that Sigmund Freud had lasik surgery and was even more of a pompous prick than we’d imagined. Not only that, but he is the creator of the Matrix and goes by the hacker name of “the Architect.” (Some issues with your chosen profession, Sigmund?) The […]
The design of last month’s issue (the first) was intriguing. The design of this month’s issue was irresistible. (Oddly enough, last month’s issue was the same design as this month’s issue.) No ads. Inside covers decorated with nothing but gold and light grey stripes. Each page framed by a pica or two of one of […]
Yes, I do know it’s not Wednesday. But you can’t keep from looking, can you?
The Pietist. His virtues are many, to be sure. He is earnest, sincere, serious, forthright. He practices constant introspection—his spiritualized self-flagellation—in order to learn his vices, because to be aware of virtue is sure sign of vice. His regimented morality leads to his “principled stands” in public life, where he can showcase his honor, his […]
Salon asks if they’ve discovered the liberal Limbaugh. Listen to this and decide for yourself. Truly terrifying, the clip shows how Karl Rove’s Bush speeches follow a script straight out of George Orwell’s 1984: Big Brother loves you. Stand by for an important announcement from the Ministry of Truth. Oceania has always been at war […]
Is this the sort of rhetoric the left needs to use to counter Rove and Limbaugh?