
Cynicism doesn’t mean a damn thing

05.30.03 | 5 Comments

Matt Bai’s piece on Howard Dean is harmfully cynical. He presents a false dilemna: the unelectable liberal voice of rage versus the electable wishy-washy Washington insider. This is a disservice to all candidates, but especially to Howard Dean. If I believed Dean was just another Brown or Kucinich, I would not support him. Dean combines the strenths of both, the liberal protest candidate and the practical centrist, and with none of the baggage.

Bai’s rhetoric must be stopped immediately. If this cynical “political analysis” takes root and becomes the conventional wisdom on Sunday talk shows and editorial pages, no Democrat will be able to win. The nominee will be presented as the “compromise choice,” and the “best they could come up with.” Underlying it all will be the premise the the nominee is not standing up for what he believes in, that he “tricked” his party into the nomination. There will be a suspicion that he has a secret (more liberal) agenda in his back pocket, And given that choice, voters will go with the devil they know.

Matt Bai must be called out. His piece is cynical, demeaning, and insulting–to Dean, to other candidates, to Democrats, and ultimately to all American voters. We will not be sheep led to the slaughter, especially not by someone parading their cynicism as in-depth analysis.

