
Will I still need my Nader fix?

04.30.03 | 7 Comments

I like to think I had some small part in helping the Green Party establish an Atlanta presence. (Thank you. Thank you very much.) And, well, I voted for him too. (No hate mail please. I’m not in a swing state.)

But I may go back to the Dems for this one because of one Howard Dean. If you’re not a political junkie, you may not have heard of him yet. He’s a doctor and a recent governor of Vermont (think Ben & Jerry’s and gay marriages). He’s pro-environment and (still) anti-Iraq War. And he’s fond of saying “I want my country back.” I couldn’t think of a better way to sum up how I feel about the Bush administration.

And he calls John “bad hair” Kerry the “anointed one.” I like Kerry (I met him during his 1996 Senate run, and he’s very tall), but he’s letting his fear of being labeled a “Massachusetts liberal” keep him from using his political clout as a Vietnam veteran and Vietnam protester. He’s plainly not Dukakis, but if he keeps playing it safe, he’ll become Dukakis. And if I’m going to vote for a candidate with bad hair, John Edwards has far, far worse hair. I like Empire Strikes Back too, but that’s no reason to still have a Luke Skywalker do.

So I’m adding Dean’s weblog to the links section. And I’m thinking about attending a Dean campaign get-together next week, especially if it’s at Manuel’s. (There’s probably a meeting at a bar near you too.)

I’m not commiting yet, but I’m growing cynical about my political cynicism. I would love a multi-party system, but I’m starting to think the Green party is the Bizarro World version of the Christian Coalition. As much as I like their platform, I can no longer give them benefit of the doubt. And I’d like to think the spineless Democratic party can get their shit together and change things. Because, damn, they have to.

