is running Virginia Heffernan’s take on “the moral vision of SpongeBob.” Here’s a sample: For sure, the show is for an audience that prefers adventure to self-improvement, fun to goodness. That sounds like kids. That sounds like a lot of us. I’m confused. First, we’ve got the SAT analogy going on—adventure:self-improvement::fun:goodness. The implication, of […]
Gregg Easterbrook argues in Time that the shuttle program should be scrapped entirely. It’s a hundred times more expensive than it was supposed to be, it’s overbuilt for what it does, it’s unreliable, and it flies only a handful of missions a year (instead of the handful a month it was originally designed for). He […]
Aussie philosopher Gary has mentioned MyIrony over at Check it out. Good link list to “think piece” weblogs.
Globalization is advancing, whether we like it or not, whether we care to notice it or not. Some form of global polity will evolve, sooner or later. If we don’t want the world to be run by corporations, we have to come up with alternatives. One helpful source for alternatives visions of global governance is […]
Scattered across the Canadian plains are small enclaves of a pietist religious sect known as Hutterites. I caught the film “Born Hutterite on IFC or Bravo. An extreme Mennonite sect, Hutterites believe that salvation is only possible within their few enclaves. The documentary follows the lives of former Hutterites. Like other strict Mennonite sects, Hutterites […]