Take that, John Ashcroft! Congress is withdrawing support for John Poindexter’s network of email spies. Seems that Congress doesn’t like the idea of someone who was convicted of lying to them heading up a program that would cyber-spy on American citizens. I’m going to take this as a good sign that Patriot Act II is […]
For those of us recovering from fundamentalism, introspection can be the devil. It’s counterintuitive that introspection would exacerbate depression; talking therapy is supposed to help, especially with the addition of some pharmaceuticals. And to a point, it can. But for those of us recovering from fundamentalism, introspection has become the prime contributor to a self-reinforcing […]
I was worried that my post about Ashcroft’s proposed extension of the Patriot Act was just so much screed. A discussion thread over at Plastic has convinced me otherwise. The thread starts off with this gem from Goldmund: First they came for the Drug Dealers and I did not speak out because I was not […]
There are few words more boring than “virtue.” But here are some of them: rice cake, family reunion, Nebraska, statistics, group therapy, and Shreveport. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As we cobble together the Brave New World of globalization, the idea called “virtue” might need a second hearing. Why? There is no […]
“The Republican Era of Responsibility is quite easy to understand. No one except Bill Clinton is ever responsible.” More at PLA.
Weblogs can’t be doing too bad because the Washington Post Leslie Walker saw fit to bless them with faint praise: While blogs are a significant publishing phenomenon, I see them as entirely different from professional news organizations, which have paid staffs that ferret out and vet information according to established principles of fairness, accuracy and […]