
Spare a dime, sir?

02.24.03 | Comment?

Reports of webzine Salon.com’s demise have been greatly (and often) exaggerated. The glee from conservative whippersnappers, however, has not. Writes one dittohead:

thank mohammad, your truly worthless rag is going to fail … maybe you can get some fresh capital from your bug-chasing friends in san francisco or your terrorist buddies in north africa. you failed! move to france and smoke cowardly dong.

Or then there’s this beaut:

Hey dicksuckerrs! I just read you can’t pay your rent. Where are all your liberal buddies now? Oh well

Oh, I suppose there’s no telling a Sean Hannity fan that he’s no Oscar Wilde. But, then again, he did take the time to find out that Salon is e-published from San Francisco and then connected that fact with fellatio. Well done! Rapier wit indeed! It’s just this sort of strategery that explains the Bush administration’s many successes.

What’s a progressive to do? Purchase a subscription. The free mp3s, the three free issues of Mother Jones, and the free year of Utne Reader are worth the $20. For me, though, the clincher is Joe Conason’s Bush-whacking journal.

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