
Finally, some outrage about Patriot Act II

02.12.03 | 7 Comments

I was worried that my post about Ashcroft’s proposed extension of the Patriot Act was just so much screed. A discussion thread over at Plastic has convinced me otherwise. The thread starts off with this gem from Goldmund:

First they came for the Drug Dealers
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Drug Dealer.
Then they came for the non-citizens
and I did not speak out
because I was a citizen.
Then they came for the suspected terrorists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a suspected terrorist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Or in the words of one ‘Anonymous Idiot,’

So what do we do?

We move. Really. We move, and we do it now, while it’s still possible. We don’t wait until it’s clear to every idiot that the time to move has come – at that point, it will no longer be possible.

It’s much too late to change anything. It has been for quite some time.

Why is this blatantly unconstitutional bill getting little to no media coverage? Am I the only one who’s thought about what it would take to move to Europe, how quickly I could sell all my belongings and skip town? Am I the only one who’s wondered if I’d be able to tell my friends and family before I left, afraid of endangering them? Am I the only one who’s afraid that their Arab friends will be the first to disappear?

God willing and the creek don’t rise, this bill won’t even make it to committee. But it’s older brother did, and it sailed right through Congress. Conservative pundits are increasingly accusing the war-opposed and war-ambivalent of being un-American. And Ann Coulter has gone so far as to accuse us of treason. They control all three branches of government, and their chutzpah seems to know no bounds.

Okay, I’ll start breathing into my paper bag now.

