Fuck John Ashcroft and the horse he rode in on. Apparently, the anointing oil told our Attorney General to throw the Bill of Rights in the fucking dumper. A recently released draft of legislation he’s submitting to Congress includes the following:
- prohibition of disclosure of terrorism investigation detainee information
- restrictions on distribution of dangerous chemicals’ “worst case scenario” information
- ‘expansivly defined” terrorist identification database
- termination of all pre-9/11 state law enforcement consent decress
- presumption for pretrial detention in cases involving terrorism
- involuntary expatriation of citizens suspected of terrorism
So will they send me to Canada or the EU? Do I get to pick? Or should I just report to the nearest concentration camp detention center?
North Carolina Congressman Howard Coble says he’d be fine with internment camps because in WWII they helped keep Japanese-Americans safe. Which explains why the US government took all their property too. By any defintion, law-abiding homeowners are “not safe on the street.” God bless Amerika!
thomas jefferson wrote the decleration of independence and james madison wrote the bill of rights, but what the fuck happened to what america used to stand for. are we to believe that we could get are freedom taken at any cause.if so then what the fuck did john hanncock, ben, thomas adams, washington,and the rest of the four fathers fight for.u.s.a was and is to be free countrie so what gives the federal beruea of investgation the right to take it away. is there no justice or are we now shot to hell cause of this . freedom is the reason we fought war but, with out it there is no mean in this democracy.